The Wine Seller

4655 Monticello Ave, Williamsburg, VA 23188, USA
4655 Monticello Ave, Williamsburg, VA 23188, USA


The Wine Seller is your one-stop shopping for wine, beer, cigars, gifts and great sandwiches from the Cork Café. Pints to stay, growlers to go. Ask about our free weekly tastings!

About Us: 
The Wine Seller was started in 1998 by long-time businessman Bill Moore. After working very, very hard for a large corporation, Bill decided he was tired of his 9-5 lifestyle, so he and his lovely wife (Nancy) retired to Williamsburg. After settling in their new home, Bill began playing golf and traveling more. Nancy enjoyed spending time with Bill for a change, and they led a happy life. About one week after his retirement (just kidding, it was more like two), Nancy decided that Bill needed something more to occupy his time than golf. Having always loved wine and people, Bill thought that perhaps the natural thing to do would be open a wine store. So as any businessman would, he thought about it and talked about it and developed a business plan, and in November of 1998 the doors of The Wine Seller opened. Neither Bill nor Nancy have ever looked back.



Published: July 27, 2022
Views: 475
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